To read my Substack article about Local Airmen win Distinction, click on the link: Local Airmen win Distinction
As of January 2025, I have decided not to issue a traditional newsletter via email due to moving across to a new social media platform called Substack.
This allows me to issue newsletter articles on an individual basis, but the plus side, for me, is that it gives me greater functionality in managing both my subscribers list and also my posts that are puiblished as I can see how many are being read and via what method. It also provides me with an insight into what subjects or topics are more popular.
The substack platform also gives you the subscriuber the option of receiving free content only or upgrdaing to a paid subscription which provied you with extra benefits such as access to the full back catalogue of my articles and also exclusive acces to paid articles which those on a free subscription can not access.
By becoming a paid subscriber, not only provides you with the benefits above, but it also helps me out with my funding my work, allowing me to give you more of the subjects that you want.
I do hope that you will join me on substack and that you subscribe via one of the posts below.
If you’ve got anything you would like including in a future edition, then please send your articles and photos to email: meltonhistoryfare@gmail.com