HistoryFare Bulletin


The monthly HistoryFare ‘bulletin’, will include all things with a local historical connection to Melton Mowbray, not just the town, but also the Borough and mayb monthlye even further afield including Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland plus neighbouring counties. You may even get the odd treat of something from further afield that I come across on my travels.

If you’ve got anything you would like including in a future edition, then please send your articles and photos to email: meltonhistoryfare@gmail.com

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 13 – June/July 2024

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 12 – May 2024

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 11 – April 2024

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 10 – March 2024

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 9 – February 2024

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 8 – January 2024

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 7 – December 2023

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 6 – November 23

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 5 – October 23

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 4 – September 23

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 3 – August 23

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 2 – July 23

HistoryFare Bulletin Issue No 1 – June 23

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