Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice (01 June 2023)

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) – HistoryFare Compliance

HistoryFare is required to comply with United Kingdom GDP Regulations and this Policy has been adopted by HistoryFare as part of its obligations. GDPR also presently complies with the provisions of EU law.

Why we hold personal data

HistoryFare needs to retain and process certain personal data in order to maintain a register of current website blog subscribers, event attendees and customers submitting research requests as required by law, to maintain its relationship with them and to conduct HistoryFare business and activities.

Your consent

By law, and in order that HistoryFare can hold and possess your personal data, you are required to give your affirmative consent to us.

We therefore require HistoryFare subscribers, event attendees and customers to provide that consent as part of the registration process, which is binding on all subscribers, event attendees and customers, whereby all subscribers, event attendees and customers consent to the HistoryFare’s Privacy Policy.

What is personal data

Personal data is data which is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual. Personal data of HistoryFare’s subscribers, event attendees and customers which HistoryFare regards as core data includes:

Your name and title.

Your email address(es), to enable you to receive updates regarding future monthly talks and events and responses to research requests from HistoryFare in response to business requirements.

Details of moneys paid to HistoryFare in respect of event attendance fees or research requests.

Other personal data includes:

Images and voice/video recordings of you taken at HistoryFare Events (however conducted) and which may be published for promotional or information purposes on the HistoryFare’s website and other social media platforms and/or which are provided to or accessible to subscribers and event attendees after the Event.

Details of any monies paid by HistoryFare to you for services or goods supplied or monies reimbursed.

Attendance records of those attending HistoryFare Events

HistoryFare believes that this is the minimum data needed to retain and process for HistoryFare business purposes, and we do not expect to maintain any records of any other data beyond this.

Sharing of Data

We do not sell your personal data – such as your name and contact information – to third parties to use for their own marketing purposes and your data will not be shared with any other organisation for any purpose whatsoever without your consent except:

To our third-party service providers who use this information to perform services, such as website/blog subscribers.

Where we are required to do so by law.

Where we believe it necessary to respond to claims asserted against us or, comply with legal process, enforce or administer our agreements and terms, for fraud prevention, risk assessment, investigation, and protect the rights, property or safety of HistoryFare or others.

Your personal data will not otherwise be made available to or accessible by individual subscribers and event attendees of HistoryFare other than having a need for such access for purposes of HistoryFare’s business and activities.

Safeguarding personal data

The security of your information is important to us. HistoryFare has implemented safeguards to protect the information collected. These safeguards include:

Core data is kept under password protection, with additional copies for security and back-up purposes.

Other personal data being held in confidential files with restricted access.

Destruction, deletion and anonymising of copies of personal data when no longer necessary for HistoryFare purposes.

Access to and amending your data.

You are entitled to see all of your own personal data that we hold at no cost to you. This may be done by e-mail application to HistoryFare, who will reply at their earliest convenience.

You are entitled to challenge your own personal data, and have it corrected, if inaccurate, at no cost to you.

Opting out

In relation to images and voice/video recordings of you taken at HistoryFare Events and which may be published for promotional or information purposes on the HistoryFare’s website and other social media platforms, you may opt out of your consent to future publication of the same by writing to HistoryFare.

If you no longer wish to receive the email updates regarding future events, you can opt out of this by sending an email to

Data Retention

HistoryFare, as a sole trader, is required to maintain financial records for seven years after the business year ends. Because your event attendance and research request fees are financial transactions, we will retain your full personal data for that period after the event, in case of any challenge from HMRC or another Government body. Because of the legal requirement, your data cannot be deleted during that period.

Once seven full business years have lapsed since your last attendance at a HistoryFare event, or submission of a research request your personal data will be removed, and the remaining data anonymised.

In relation to images of you taken at or during HistoryFare Events, these images will usually be held and used for an unspecified period of time unless you advise otherwise.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If the HistoryFare privacy policies requires updating, the amended policy will be published on the HistoryFare’s website. If any changes are made to this Privacy Policy that materially change how we treat your personal information, we will endeavour to provide you with reasonable notice of such changes, such as via prominent notice in the HistoryFare website or to your email address of record, and where required by law, we will obtain your further consent to your existing consent under the terms of the Constitution or give you the opportunity to opt out of such changes.


In this Policy:

“HistoryFare” include monthly history talk meetings, Social events, Guided Tours, Research Requests and any other event organised by or on behalf of HistoryFare.

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