Join us for our November talk when Jerry Heygate will be talking about the the High Society: Flying Foxhunters and Airborne Aristocrats.
‘Flying Foxhunters’ explores the famous pilots, planes and passengers who have lived at or flown from the villages close to Somerby between 1919 and 1945. Starting at the old airfield at Burrough Court, we cover Lord Furness, his family, and his various aircraft, including a rumoured link to Nevill Chamberlain’s negotiations with Hitler at Munich.
In part two, we cover the Loewenstein family from Thorpe Satchville, where Alfred and his son Bobby were frequent flyers and both met tragic and mysterious airborne fates, and we learn about Bobby’s little known but vital contribution to the war effort.
Finally, we finish at Burrough on the Hill, with its connections to a member of the Peake family who played a major part in the most famous aerial conflict of all time.